Instalación Automática del Servidor Bacula Enterprise con Manager (CentOS, Debian, etc.)

Instalar y ejecutar el bee_installation_manager


yum install -y wget python38
cd /root
chmod +x bee_installation_manager
./bee_installation_manager -t DIR -pkg rpm -p rhel9-64 -fw firewall-cmd -da %customer_id% -s bweb
./bee_installation_manager -t SD -pkg rpm -p rhel9-64 -fw firewall-cmd -s dedup single-item-restore
./bee_installation_manager -t FD -pkg rpm -p rhel9-64 -fw firewall-cmd -s vsphere postgresql

Nota: se requiere Python 2.7 o superior para ejecutar el script.


Inicie un PowerShell y escriba:

wget -Outfile C:\bee_installation_manager.exe

Inicie bee_installation_manager.exe (se le pedirán privilegios elevados).

Nota: algún software antivirus puede bloquear la descarga, verifique la configuración de su antivirus para evitar esto.

Ejemplo de ejecución de sesión interactiva

Nota: bee_installation_manager se puede detener en cualquier momento con CTRL-C, lo que facilita cambiar las opciones seleccionadas antes de la instalación, si es necesario.

Welcome to Bacula Enterprise Installation Manager 2021.12.14
This script will assist you during Bacula Enterprise
plugins installation and client Registration.

CentOS Linux 8 detected [rhel8-64].

Press ENTER to start

Installation of File Daemon (Client) and associated plugins
Proceed with Installation of File Daemon (Client) and associated plugins? [Y/n]

Using Download Area Code [NorbertBizet-f0XdePvkmfcv3pxo]
Would you like to use this one again? [Y/n]

Available versions
1 : 12.0.5 2 : 12.2.5 3 : 12.4.4 4 : 12.6.5 5 : 12.8.3
Please, select the version of your Bacula Director ('12.8.3' by default) : 5
[====================] 100.0% vsphere (not installed)
The bacula-fd client will be installed or upgraded by default.

The following plugins are available for installation at version 12.8.3 :
1 : db2 2 : delta
3 : docker 4 : hdfs
5 : kubernetes 6 : ldap
7 : m365 8 : mysql
9 : ndmp 10 : netapp-hfc
11 : openshift 12 : oracle
13 : postgresql 14 : rhv
15 : sap-hana 16 : single-item-restore
17 : snapshot 18 : sybase
19 : vsphere
Select the number(s) of the plugins you want to install, separated by commas.
Leave empty and just press <Enter> to skip plugin selection : 13

Registration of File Daemon (Client)
Proceed with Registration of File Daemon (Client)? [Y/n] n
Registration of File Daemon (Client) skipped!

Managing Firewall rules
Proceed with Managing Firewall rules? [Y/n]

Available Firewalls
1 : firewall-cmd 2 : nft 3 : iptables
Please, make your selection(s) separated by ',' (commas) : 1,3
No Director address detected. Any incoming address will be accepted by default
Enter a new Director address or * to accept any incoming address [dir-addr|*] :
Any incoming address will be accepted

Managing service(s) after installation
Proceed with Managing service(s) after installation? [Y/n]

Restart the Bacula service(s) after installation? [Y/n]

Start the Bacula service(s) automatically at boot? [Y/n]

Ready to process the following operations
[X] Installation of : Bacula, postgresql
[X] Registration of File Daemon (Client)
[X] Managing Firewall rules
[X] Managing service(s) after installation

Continue or retry(r)? [Y/n/r]

Executing Installation of File Daemon (Client) and associated plugins ...
[=======-------------] 33.3% installing keys
Updating the following modules and dependencies : bin, postgresql ...
[====================] 100.0% updating postgresql
Installing the following modules and dependencies : gnupg, tar, bacula-enterprise-client, bacula-enterprise-postgresql-plugin ...
[====================] 100.0% yum install bacula-enterprise-postgresql-plugin done

Executing Managing Firewall rules ...

Executing Managing service(s) after installation ...

Installation of File Daemon (Client) Successfully completed
Bacula Enterprise Installation Manager. Done.

Instalación silenciosa de bee_installation_manager

Use la URL de registro web generada por el asistente con el administrador de instalación de abejas como en el ejemplo a continuación para realizar una implementación silenciosa:

./bee_installation_manager --director @@director-address@@ --download_area @@customer@@ --version @@bee-version@@ --link @@bweb-registration-url@@ --silent

Las opciones se detallan a continuación:

  • @@director-address@@ se refiere a una IP o FQDN del Bacula Director en el que se registrará el cliente
  • @@cliente@@ se refiere a su cadena de área personalizada. Puede encontrar esta información en el Paquete de Bienvenida
  • @@bee-version@@ debe reemplazarse por la versión de Bacula Enterprise Edition que compró (12.x.y, 10.x.y)
  • @@bweb-registration-url@@ se refiere a la URL obtenida en el QR Code/Registration Wizard

Uso avanzado con argumentos

Todas las opciones seleccionadas durante la sesión se pueden proporcionar alternativamente a través de argumentos de línea de comandos. Esto puede ser útil para la implementación automatizada.

La opción bee_installation_manager -h proporciona la descripción de todos los argumentos utilizables:

usage: bee_installation_manager [-h] [-c CONFIG] [-d DIRECTOR]
[-o LOG] [-s] [-t {FD,SD,DIR}]
[-r {release,beta,nightly}] [-p PLATFORM]
[-pkg {debian,rpm,windows}]
[plugins [plugins ...]]

Bacula Enterprise Installation Manager

positional arguments:
plugins one or several plugin(s) to install

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
config file path (defaulted to /root/.bee_installation
-d DIRECTOR, --director DIRECTOR
director address (for firewall). Can be deduced from
-da DOWNLOAD_AREA, --download_area DOWNLOAD_AREA
Download Area code
-v VERSION, --version VERSION
force installation version
-l LINK, --link LINK Automatic configuration URL
-o LOG, --log LOG log to file (defaulted to /root/.bee_installation_mana
-s, --silent avoid keyboard input
-t {FD,SD,DIR}, --type {FD,SD,DIR}
installation type (only one can be selected at a time,
FD by default)
-r {release,beta,nightly}, --repo {release,beta,nightly}
allow installation of release, beta or nightly
versions (release by default)
-p PLATFORM, --platform PLATFORM
overwrites automatically detected local platform
-pkg {debian,rpm,windows}, --package {debian,rpm,windows}
overwrites automatically detected package selection
-bp BWEB_PASSWORD, --bweb_password BWEB_PASSWORD
bweb admin user password
-fw [FIREWALL [FIREWALL ...]], --firewall [FIREWALL [FIREWALL ...]]
one or several firewall(s) to configure. None means
configure all detected firewalls

Use -t (type) para habilitar la instalación de Director+BWeb o Storage deamon.

Use -s para instalar sin interrupción del teclado de la sesión (útil para la instalación por lotes), junto con argumentos específicos o, alternativamente, con un archivo de configuración (argumento -c). Un archivo de configuración debe ser un archivo de texto simple y los argumentos deben proporcionarse en la sección [Parser]. Por ejemplo, si el archivo /tmp/bee_config.ini contiene:

download_area = MyName-0123456789abcd
director =
log = /var/log/bacula/bee_installation_manager.log

Ejecutar bee_installation_manager -s -c /tmp.bee_config.ini procederá a la instalación de File Deamon y a la configuración del firewall sin interrupción del teclado y generará un inicio de sesión en /var/log/bacula/bee_installation_manager.log.


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