Demorei mas postei sobre o último evento – o Segundo Encontro de Software Livre da Paraíba (maio/2008).
Oportunidade para rever os maiores expoentes do software livre nacional e internacional: John “Maddog” Hall, Julio Neves, Rodrigo Padula, Anahuac, Paulino Michellazzo, Mario Evangelista…
Muito organizado, povo hospitaleiro e muito camarão – ou seja: evento “super-filé”.

I´m late but is still time to write about last event – The Second Free Software Conference from “Paraíba” (May/2008).
That was a very nice oportunity to get together with notorious people from national and international comunity: John “Maddog” Hall, Julio Neves, Rodrigo Padula, Anahuac, Paulino Michellazo, Mario Evangelista…
The organization, the hospitality and the shrimps made this event a great success.

Disponível em: pt-brPortuguês

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